Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lovely Bones

This is a semi-sappy movie about a 14 year old girl that is murdered.  The story follows her family and tells about how they cope with the loss of their daughter.  Additionally, much of the story revolves around the 14 year old and her journey through some sort of purgatory like place.

The twists and turns of trying to reveal to everyone who the murderer is and where he lives is the best part of the story.  While the viewer knows, the families around him do not.  This causes some interesting plot points that leave the viewer wanting the killer to be caught.

The film is good, nothing too special, but enjoyable for what it is.  The ending however is not what I would want from a movie like this.  I won't spoil it but I will just say that the viewer is left without a tremendous amount of satisfaction.

Posted on December 3, 2010

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