Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Double

So I kept seeing this movie on my Netflix instant play list.  It was clearly a spy movie that I was interested in but I couldn't imagine it being any good because it stars Richard Gere.  He hasn't been in a decent action movie since he did The Jackal back in 1997.  So needless to say I was interested but very skeptical.

The Double is about a serial killer who may have also been a KGB spy at one point.  Gere's character, Paul Shepardson, is assigned to find and take down the KGB spy.  He does this with help from a young FBI agent named Ben Geary (Topher Grace).  The story takes you through their meticulous tracking of the killer and shows you how they evaluate each piece of evidence.  One criticism I did have is that the main twist of the movie came way too soon and with far too little drama attached to it.  It made the twist seem less important than it really was.

The Double stars Gere and Topher Grace.  Also in the cast is Martin Sheen and Odette Annable.  The acting in The Double was really pretty terrible.  I think Gere is a much worse actor than he was ten or fifteen years ago.  Topher Grace was good in That 70's Show but otherwise isn't very impressive.  I hate to say it but Martin Sheen is really washed up.  Not a good cast for this one.

The Double wasn't a bad movie at all.  It had some quality twists and turns it just wasn't a well made movie and as I previously stated the acting was pretty terrible.  If you've got some time to kill and feel like doing an Instant Play Netflix movie then go for it.  Please don't get this one in the mail or RedBox, it's not worth your time or money.

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