Saturday, March 10, 2012


I have to admit I went in with pretty high expectations.  Everything I had heard about this movie was positive.  I share this with you because my expectation was that this was going to be a pretty darn good movie.

Hugo is about a boy named Hugo Cabret who loses his father and is then forced to live and work in a train station.  The movie basically follows Hugo on different adventures to put an automoton robot back together that he and his father had been working on.  During this adventure he meets some friends that help him become more than just an orphan.   The film takes place in Paris.

The movie basically stars a bunch of no names.  The stars are Asa Butterfield as Hugo and Chloe Grace Moretz who plays Hugo's friend Isabelle.  Ben Kingsley and Sacha Baron Cohen also play significant roles in this film.  All of the actors do a very nice job and carry off their individual roles well.

Hugo wasn't a bad movie at all but the story was very slow.  While it was kind of a fun and interesting plot it was weak because of the poor pacing.  It's been very popular but I wouldn't really recommend this one to anyone.  My wife fell asleep with this one it's so slow!

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