Monday, February 13, 2012

The Change-Up

The Change-Up is a comedy starring Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman.  I saw the trailer and reviews prior to renting this one and figured there was no way this could be good but my wife wanted to see it, so here I went!

The movie is another body swapping flick.  Bateman plays a married man with three kids who is overly burdened with work and family life.  Reynolds, of course, plays a single playboy who sleeps with anything that moves and has basically no responsibilities to speak of.  When the two finally get to hang out they make a wish and end up swapping bodies.  The story is very predictable and weak because of that.

As I stated the film stars Reynolds and Bateman but also has a strong supporting cast that features Olivia Wilde, Leslie Mann, and Alan Arkin.  As always Bateman and Reynolds put on strong acting performances, though not either one's best.  Though these two do not have a huge role I tend to think the best actor in this one is Leslie Mann.  She provides some of the few humorous parts in the whole film.

Overall The Change-Up is a pretty awful movie with a few humorous parts.  I did laugh out loud during one kitchen scene but that was really about it.  I feel like I've seen about five of these body switching movies and I'm really tired of it.  I would never recommend this movie to anyone.

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