Monday, February 6, 2012

Margin Call

I knew this was a movie about the stock market and that it had a pretty impressive cast but other than that I wasn't sure what to make of the trailer.  I dove into this one head first and unfortunately found myself in a pile of...

Margin Call is a fictional movie loosely based on the 2008 stock market collapse.  The story follows a fictional trading institution run by filthy rich ridiculous characters.  It takes you through how this company caused the market collapse and ultimately collapsed themselves.  The story is very poorly told.  It's very difficult to follow the story and sometimes they dumb it down so much that the story doesn't even make sense.

The cast of Margin Call is where the film shines.  Jeremy Irons, Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Demi Moore, Simon Baker, Stanley Tucci, and Zachary Quinto are the stars of the film.  While the cast is very impressive not many of them have great individual performances except maybe Quinto and Irons.

Please for your own good skip this one.  This story is weak, the acting is meh, and it's just a poor movie in general.  Honestly, I wish I had never even seen this.  I really like stock market movies but this one is awful.  Don't waste your time!

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