Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Siege

Hanging out around the house on a nice boring Sunday, I found some time to go scrolling through Netflix instant play on my blu-ray player.  Eventually I found something that intrigued me, The Siege.  I wasn't sure whether I had seen this movie before but for some reason I had given it four stars (out of five).  Either way I decided to check it out!

The Siege is a film about terrorism and the effects it can have on a populous.  The movie was made in 1998 so if you can remember the way things were almost 14 years ago, things were very different.  It does play out some interesting scenes that are almost foreshadowing into how America would react after 9/11.  The story was really pretty interesting and has some nice twists and turns but nothing that blew my mind.

The Siege stars Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, and Annette Benning.  The three main characters basically carry the movie but there are some nice supporting actors like Tony Shalhoub and even a cameo by Aasif Mandvi (Daily Show).  The acting by Denzel and Bruce Willis was really pretty good but Annette Benning was really weak.  I'm not sure I've ever been really impressed by her, but this movie in particular I thought she was awful as a CIA handler, yep you read that right.

I decided to keep this review short because I just don't think there is a tremendous amount to say about The Siege.  The movie isn't bad if you're just bored and looking for some decent action movie to watch but this movie really doesn't impress at all.  If you're into the espionage genre it would help to enjoy this one.  As I said Annette Benning is pretty awful and it hurts the overall movie. I'll probably go back and lower this one a three.

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