Water for Elephants is a chick flick originally written as a novel by Sara Gruen. This story is very similar to some of the books written by Nicholas Sparks (i.e. The Notebook). While this is by no means my favorite genre, I know I can appreciate a good one when I see it.
Water for Elephants stars Robert Pattison, Reese Witherspoon, and Christoph Waltz. The actors really do a terrific job in this movie, particularly Pattison and Waltz which really have to carry the dramatic load of the film. I really have never thought much of Pattison, because I think the Twilight series is horrible, but he really does a fantastic job this time. Witherspoon is also very good but just isn't asked to do as much as the men in the film. Many of the characters with smaller roles do a fantastic job carrying them out. In my opinion the reason the story is so successful is because of the extremely colorful characters that Gruen paints.
The focus of the story is a love triangle between the three characters. The setting is a traveling circus during the 1930's. The entire story is told through a flashback sequence similar to that in the aforementioned The Notebook. While I originally thought this would be a pretty lame story because of the setting it didn't turn out to be that way. Also, seeing all of the animals in the circus was pretty cool as well, particularly Rosie!
Water for Elephants was a pretty darn good movie. It's a romantic chick flick but assuming that's what you're looking for you'll enjoy this one. I liked The Notebook, (as you can probably already tell) and while this wasn't on that level, it was pretty darn close.
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