The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a murder mystery based on a novel by Stieg Larsson. The film, which is in Swedish, is a thrilling adventure that allows you to meet some very interesting characters. This is the first in a series by Larsson. I do want to preface this review by saying that the film is graphic both with violence and sex.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo stars Michael Nyqvist and Noomi Rapace. Clearly these are no names to me and I'm sure to most others. While that is the case with all the actors in this movie, they all do an excellent job. The actors, for the most part, fit each role very well.
While I have not read the book, the story in the movie version is excellent. This is really what makes the movie what it is. There aren't really any special effects, nor is there a need for them, so basically this movie is all about story.
This is a very good film that I would really recommend checking out if you're into murder mysteries. The story will keep you engrossed throughout and the weirdo characters will keep you interested. I would, however, recommend watching this movie in Swedish with subtitles because dubbing of any kind is usually painful to watch.
Posted on January 22, 2011
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