Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I went into this movie with low expectations.  The last few Alien vs Predator movies were pretty weak on story but the action was fun.  This is also how I felt after watching Predators.

Adrian Brody stars as the main character in this movie who has crash landed on an alien planet.  He doesn't know how he got there but somehow he figures out that it's a "game preserve."  The story is very weak and makes many assumptions that make you wonder "how in the world did he figure that out" but you've just got to go with the flow if you want to enjoy the film.

The characters in the movie are basically standard fare for a movie like this.  What I mean is there is an Asian guy, Hispanic, black guy, white trash, and your other generic characters.  The Predator characters were probably best characters in the movie.  The writers gave them some variety but unfortunately it was almost impossible to tell just by looking which was which.  That unfortunately ruined the entire purpose of having different types of Predators, but nice try.

Overall, this movie is what it is.  Predators sucks, but can be something enjoyable to watch if you like the premise of the movies or are just looking to watch stuff blow up, which isn't a bad thing at all.  I kind of liked it but you can't go in expecting something more than generic sci-fi trash.

Posted on December 6, 2010

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