Remember Me stars Robert Pattinson (yes, the dude from Twilight), Pierce Brosnan, and Chris Cooper. The story is based around two early twenties college kids who have experienced traumatic events in their lives and are trying to work through them. It's a love story...sort of.
Chris Cooper is a great actor who really has a bit part in this movie. Pierce Brosnan is pretty good but is really showing his age. Pattinson is a terrible actor. This movie and the Twilight series display that prominently. Emile De Ravin plays Pattinson's love interest. Her character was good but the acting was pretty weak.
While there are some good scenes that draw you in to the story, there are also some awful ones. I'm all for sex scenes but only if they make sense within the story. This movie contains two sex scenes that are just gratuitous to appeal to the target demographic (15-19 year olds). Additionally, the movie should have ended about 10 minutes before it did.
The crux of this movie really isn't bad at all, but this film just doesn't work for me. It's not a secret that I'm not a fan of sappy movies but I will say this one isn't bad because it's a love story, this movie is bad for so many other reasons.
Posted on December 15, 2010
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