Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hanna is exactly the kind of movie I usually enjoy.  Espionage, action, and thriller, all describe Hanna.  I was very excited to check this one out.

The movie is about an assassin whose sordid past forces him to go off reservation with his daughter to make a life for themselves.  He raises Hanna with a mission and purpose to accomplish what he could not.  When the daughter, Hanna, gets older she decides she wants more than their life in the wilderness.  The dynamics are focused on the father-daughter relationship, exploring his past and her future.  The story is really the strength of this movie though there are some slow moments.

Hanna stars Saoirse Ronan as Hanna.  You will recognize her from Lovely Bones, which I have also done a review on.  The other main characters are played by Eric Bana and Cate Blanchett Tom Hollander, from The Company, John Adams, and Pirates of the Caribbean, also does a really nice job.  While I love Bana as a spook, Cate Blanchett just doesn't really fit to me.

As you all may know now I'm big into soundtrack and great orchestral scores.  This movie has a nice soundtrack and I won't debate that at all.  I was, however, a little disappointed with large sections where there was no music at all.  That said though, it may not bother some people at all.

Overall Hanna is a really solid movie with a pretty compelling story.  The action is good, though not anything you would see in a Michael Bay movie, just standard gun-play and hand-to-hand combat.  I would recommend checking this out if you're into the Bourne Franchise or generally into espionage films.

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